Computer languages - Basic

Computer language or programming language is a code used by computer programmers to communicate with computers. Computer language software establishes a flow of communication between software programs. Computer language helps a computer user identify the command necessary to process computer data. These languages ​​can be classified into the following categories:

1. Machine language
2. Assembly language
3. High level language

Machine language:

Machine language or machine code is the basic language that is understood by the central processing unit of the computer or the CPU. Understanding this type of computer language is not easy because it uses a binary system, (number made up of only one and zero) to give this command.

Assembly language:

Assembly language is a set of code that can be run directly on the computer's processor. This language is most suitable for writing operating systems and maintaining desktop applications. With assembly language, it is easy for a programmer to define a command. It is easier to understand and use than machine language.

High level language:

High-level languages ​​are user-friendly languages ​​that are similar to English in the vocabulary of words and symbols. These are easy to learn and less time is needed to write them.
They are problem oriented rather than 'machine-based'.

A written program in a high level language can be translated into several machine languages ​​and can run them on any computer in the presence of an appropriate translator.
There have been many high level languages ​​since Fortran II (and many have disappeared), the following are the most widely used languages:

COBOL: For Business Applications
Fortran: For Engineering and Scientific Applications
Pascal: In general use and as a teaching tool
C and C ++: for general purpose - currently the most popular
PROLOG: For Artificial Intelligence
Java: - For getting gaming from web content and fast popular

Compiler and Interpreter


This is a program that executes the instructions written in a high level language. There are two ways to run a program written in a high level language. The most common - while compiling the program; The other method is to run the program through an interpreter.

a. compiler

A compiler is a special program that processes a special programming language, written code in the source code, and converts it into machine language or "machine code", which uses a computer's processor.
The compiler translates high-level language programs directly into machine language. This process is called Compilation.

b. Interpreter

An interpreter translates high level instructions into an intermediate form, which it then executes. Compiled programs generally run faster than interpreted programs. One, however, the advantage of an interpreter is that it does not need to go through the machine instructions that are produced during the compiling phase. If the program is longer then this process can be time-consuming.

Enjoy :)