Wireless Hacking - Scanning for Wireless Network

The hacker starts by scanning for wireless networks near him. The Windows tool we will use in this section is called NetStumbler. Also by the time you receive this eBook MacStumbler may already be released for those of you using a Mac.
Some other similar programs are:
  • Kismet for Windows and Linux.
  • KisMac for the Mac.

What is Malware?

1. Viruses


Viruses cannot spread without the help of us humans. They are like parasites because they need a host to attach themselves to. The host is usually a legitimate looking program or file. Once this program is launched, the virus is executed and infects other files on your computer. Viruses can be very destructive. They can do damage to your computer hardware, software and files. Viruses are spread through the sharing of files and are many times sent within emails via attachments.