How to enable registry editor disabled by virus

When Virus in your computer to that automatically disable your registry editor to how to unlock them.
there are simply step here. 

Step 1: Restart your computer and start with safe mode 

Step 2: open cmd and type following command

reg delete HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"

it will ask you for(Y/N)?  type Y.

Step 3: Run this another command:  

 HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"

This will enable your registry editor.

 Enjoy :) 

How To Convert FAT32 TO NTFS File System


How To Convert  FAT32 TO NTFS File System Without Loosing Data

This Trick for Windows


Step 1: Open CMD start with run as administrator


Step 2: In command prompt Run this codechkdsk D: /f (without quotes) here D is the drive letter. This checks the drive for errors and fixes them automatically.


 Step 3: RunConvert D: /FS:NTFS” (without quotes).


Step 4: Wait for some time, when display this message "Conversion Complete".


Step 5: Restart your PC and verify your Drive  


 Enjoy :)  


How to Block Website on Specific Time Period

This Trick is for Windows

First Download FocalFilter Software at here

How to Hack or disable Deepfreeze

 Step 1: First Download XDeepfreeze at here

Step 2: Install and run "Run_Me.exe" and that will show u 2 files "mcr.bat" and "XDeepFreeze.exe" will be load.

Step 3:  at XDeepFreeze, Press or click "Stop DeepFreeze", for stopped your "frzstate.exe"

Step 4: At XDeepFreeze, Click "Clean Registry", for clean all registry about Deepfreeze

Step 5:  For enter to MS-Dos Mode, type "cmd" in run command or ""
(include in "" file)

Step 6:  Run "mcr.bat" (inside have a script where this script for delete file "persifrz.vxd")

Step 7: Enter Exit command and return to windows.

Now Disable your Deepfreeze on Computer...

Enjoy :)